so are you excited for the white puffle? where you disappointed it wasn't orange or brown?Do you think it will only be for members? do you think it will be like a ninja puffle?Do you like cheese? tell me what you think, but most of all tell me if you like cheese
Hiya everyone! want a place to go and chat with your friends? well you got a place!!
A blog by Mimo777! you'll have fun, read funny posts, and have FUN AGAIN! where your dreams will come true, well probably not, but it rocks! GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
hiya everyone the puffle party is here! awesomeness has arrived at the island! puffle toy shaped buildings, and puffle themed rooms, and a free item which is the pirated bandana at the cove>
hey everyone! Have you noticed something secret in the new puffle wallpaper? Well if you look in the puffle condo you see a pair of eyes, could this mean a new puffle? you tell me what you think!
The eyes look like the red puffles eyes But, You never know.
you're friend goofy73
Monday, February 16, 2009
Hey everyone! the puffle party is coming up! and some rooms have boxes in them, and if you noticed they're all the same colors as the 7 puffles!
first the Blue Puffle is in the forest
And the Red Puffle is at the cove
And at the other side of the island the Yellow Puffle is at the lighthouse
The Purple Puffle is at the nightclub
And travel back to the lighthouse to see the green puffle on the beacon
And at the other side of the island, we find the Pink Puffle at the iceberg