Saturday, October 4, 2008

New October 08 Catalog!

hiya everyone! a new catalog is out! and full of halloween fun! check it out!

to get the red viking helmet click the pumpkin!

do that 4 times to get the Blue Viking Helmet!

and while the blue viking helmet is out click the yellow puffle and get the GOLDEN VIKING HELMET!!

AWESOME! ok so now to get the black superhero mask (which looks like the ninja mask........hmmmmmmm?) click on the left torch!

and now to get the black scuba mask click the lighthouse!

and lastly to get the mixed bracelets click on he pink flipper!

COOL! also there are 4 new backrounds and a new penguins at work!!!!! the

oh and here is 2 of my halloween costumes!


you're friend goofy73

1 comment:

Stickers303 said...

You forgot a cheat! Clcik on the Spikester cuff for the Jade Necklace
