hiya everybody! here's where you'll be learning how to become a tour guide
Step 1- Login to your clubpenguin account
Step 2- -click the question mark on your toolbar and make sure your atleast 45 days old thanks Tboyman
Step 3- if you are atleast 30 days old, click the map and head to the ski village
Step 4- click the tour guide sign
and Step 5- take the test
The answers are
1- Beach
2- Flower Pot
3- Jetpack Adventure
4- The VIking Helmet
5- Mullet
6- 60
7- thursday
8- Black
9- Click on it
10- ski lodge
11- 4
12- the migrator
13- the pet shop
14- boiler room
15- skips with skipping rope
well there ya go! no you could becom a tour guide! you should be able to see the manual and you should have to tour guide hat in your player card
also remember you get paid 250 every month!
you're friend goofy73
You mean 45 days old right, bcuz 30 = Secret Agent
-Tboyman, Givee me credit plz lol
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